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Nyalor Thon


Bashua Cervantes

Euclid Avenue

Euclid Avenue

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Diversity: Bio and Cultural 

Diversity to us means to have a wide variety, but because of the history of the United States’ neighborhood segregation, U.S. neighborhoods are still largely segregated.


Our project looks into the neighborhood of Emerald Hills. We found that this neighborhood was not as diverse as we expected.


We took it upon ourselves to delve further into the core of lacking diversity by interviewing people from different neighborhoods to get their view on diversity in their community. Diversity in neighborhoods can be a benefit to communities as we can learn about the different cultures, points of view, ideas, and the people around us.


In this project we also sought to tackle biodiversity: the diversity of life on our planet. The message we are trying to convey is that diversity, whether it be cultural or environmental, can be used to benefit communities like Emerald Hills.


Diversity benefits ecosystems and makes them stronger, but can cultural diversity benefit neighborhoods as well?

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